We did it everyone! We are in the New Year! Thankful I have all my hair on my head. I don’t know about anyone else, but I definitely get it now when they say, “as you get older, the days go by fast”. I mean isn’t that the TRUUUUUTH. For me these past two years have been a blur, they’ve ran together - HAHAHAHA!

I have started journaling again. It was a big thing for me when I was younger. I remember being in 7th grade thinking I was writing some bomb A poems. I felt like Edgar Allan Poe. I try to make it a point to journal at least on the New Year. We all know about New Years Resolutions. I think they are great, howeverrrrrrr.. they don’t really last long lol! I instead like to do New Years Intention Setting. This way, in my head I don’t instantly get into the “I have to do this or else” mind set with it and actually have different thoughts of reflection rather than setting goals. You get what I’m putting down? Soooooo I wanted to share this experience with you fabulous queens and kings!
Before we start let’s make this fun and super enjoyable, that way your thoughts can flow with your pen...pencil, or quill . Grab your favorite journal! I highly suggest you write this on some type of paper. Not on your phones or computer. There’s something special about physically writing.
Hold your horses lil doggy! Before we get our writing on. Let's get our minds in the right space, shall we! 🪶

🏞️ Choose Your Writing Space.
It can be inside or outside. Where ever you feel like you have less distractions. Make sure all electronics are off, unless you using them for music. It’s easy to get distracted by other gadgets around you like TV and phones. This is your time to be able to connect with your thoughts.
🫖 Make It Comfortable.
If you can, make sure everything you have in your writing space instills positive feelings and enhances your comfort. You can sit on the floor with pillows or layout outside on a hammock.
🕯️ Set the Atmosphere.
When I journal I have a little ritual I like to do. I first love to take a shower/ or bath with a bath bomb to relax my mind. It’s always racing and thinking of the tasks that I need to do. Get into some comfy PJ’s and fuzzy socks. Then I find my space I would like to be in (depending on my mood it’s either outside in our woods or inside on the couch.) I light a candle or incense and then I play some either coffee house jazz, coffee house classical piano, or meditation music, or basically anything that’s instrumental and slow paced. I cleans my space with a smoke cleanse and have a few crystals with me. Then I also have either tea, water, or cofffeeeee at arms reach and bundle up with a soft blanket. Now! There are times that I don’t do this every time. I just do what feels right to me at that moment. It doesn’t have to be difficult, if you rather just have your journal with you being in bed. That works too! Make it to your liking! This is about you, not about what other people do.
OKIE DOKIE - NOW WE ARE READY TO START THE PARTY! (YAY!) Take as much (or little) time as you need, this activity should never be rushed.

I would love to here your feed back! How did you like the questions? Was it something that you never thought about doing? Let me know!